Get Ready to Shape up those Booties and Firm up those stubborn areas.
The Ultimate Outdoor Boot Camp will help you prevent or break that plateau in order to shed those stubborn pounds. Be determined now, and reach your goals!
The boot camp consists of:
- Cardio Drills
- Core Training
- Weights and resistance training
- Balance and Stability exercises
- Obstacle courses and Plyometrics
- Yoga based stretching
- Nutritional Information and tips.
The Classes will be one hour long and held at least twice a week.
Sign up for six to eight weeks at a time, starting in April and continuing until October.
Classes will be held in Brampton, Caledon, and Mississauga areas.
Registry begins March 1st , call 416 -319-7614.
6 weeks $180 Includes twice a week sessions total of 12 sessions.
8 weeks $214 Includes twice a week sessions total of 16 sessions.
You can also email me through sharoncordina@live.com for more Info.
Thank you!
Active Lifestyle Specialist Sharon Cordina